
At our First Kid’s medical daycares in Florida, we provide our patients with personalized, high-quality care and the best resources to help them heal or improve their current medical conditions. Here’s why our centers in Florida can function as a pediatric medical daycare for your child with special needs.

What is a Pediatric Medical Daycare?

Pediatric medical daycares provide medical treatments and the typical education and development activities for children with special needs. These centers are supervised by professionals with experience in medicine, such as doctors, nurses, and therapists. 

A Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care (PPEC) center allows Medicaid-eligible children from birth through age 20 with medically-complex conditions to receive continual medical care in a non-residential setting. If approved for this care, children can attend a PPEC up to 12 hours per day while receiving nursing services, personal care, developmental therapies, and caregiver training.

A PPEC center is like a pediatric medical daycare but more comprehensive—designed to give children with complex medical conditions (also known as “special needs”) quality medical care in the least restrictive environment possible. This environment allows children to thrive as well as their parents.

PPEC programs are designed to provide medical care and developmental services while also teaching parents and caregivers how to continue providing medically-focused care at home.

How Are Pediatric Medical Daycares Different From Other Daycares?

At our Florida pediatric medical daycare centers, we provide medically-focused care for children who have special needs. This specialized care means that we are equipped to handle a wide range of health problems and issues. Our centers are staffed by professionals with experience in medicine, such as doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, therapists, and child life specialists. Our centers have state-of-the-art equipment and tools that allow us to monitor patients’ conditions 24/7 and quickly respond when issues arise. 

We keep a close eye on your child’s nutrition, hydration levels, weight gain or loss, medication intake, and more so that we can be proactive about their health care needs. We also help you understand your child’s condition so that you can support their long–term health and healing process at home. We understand how stressful it can be when your child has special needs or is chronically ill, but we also know that you want the best for them—even if it means taking them out of school or regular daycare for a little while to get the medical attention they need. 

That’s why our pediatric medical daycares in Florida provide a safe place where your child can receive the medical care they need while you can still work without worrying about them. We also believe that our patients should have fun despite their health issues, so we have fun activities that allow your child to be a kid again.

At First Kid’s PPEC, we are committed to helping your child live a happy and fulfilling life. Our pediatric medical daycare centers in Florida are staffed with the best professionals in the field of medicine who understand how stressful it is for parents when their children are sick or ill. We will provide your child with the best care possible so that you can rest assured that he or she is well cared for while you continue to focus on your responsibilities at home or at work.

Skilled Nursing: Pediatric Medical Daycare

Skilled nursing is one of the services we provide at our pediatric medical daycares. What exactly is skilled nursing? Does your child require it? Skilled nursing is a healthcare and therapy approach that can only be safely and effectively performed by or under the supervision of licensed professionals (Registered Nurses or Licensed Practical Nurses). It’s the type of healthcare given to a child with a specialized need and requires more in-depth and technical therapy to treat, manage, observe a condition, and evaluate progress.

Skilled nurses are experienced in the treatment and management of various conditions such as:

  • Cerebral palsy management and treatment
  • Diabetes management and treatment (Dexcom and Libre glucose monitoring)
  • Seizure disorders
  • Gastro tube feedings and total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
  • Respiratory and cardiac conditions such as asthma exacerbation
  • Chromosomal conditions, such as Down syndrome
  • Brain disorders, including childhood stroke, to name a few

Knowing your child is under the dedicated care of experienced, licensed professionals as a parent will give you the peace of mind to go to work or finish your educational goals. Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care (PPEC) facilities are pediatric medical daycares designed to care for your child in a nurturing environment that promotes optimal growth and improvement.

At First Kid’s PPEC, our nursing staff is dedicated to providing the best care for your medically complex child. For parents, many questions arise when deciding what medical daycare to choose for your child. Questions such as:

  • Will there be a routine for nursing care/therapies?
  • Do the nurses have the knowledge and experience to care for my child?

At First Kid’s PPEC, your child will have all the skilled nursing care required by our licensed professionals alongside speech, physical and occupational therapies, and applied behavioral analysis (ABA). They will also be in an environment where they will grow socially alongside their peers. First Kid’s PPEC believes in individualized care plans as every child is unique. This belief ensures that each child receives care designed for them in an atmosphere they look forward to daily! Call now and learn how Medicaid can fully cover your child’s PPEC services.